Unlock your true potential with Numerology
What is YOUR own vibration?
Master Numerologist Yuliya from Yuliana Numerology can calculate and analyze your unique numbers so that you can better understand areas of your life such as personality, character, and life purpose.
Find out what partners you are most compatible with and what career options best suit you.
Yuliana Numerology Readings
Basic Consult
A broad reading from your talents to your best professions
Karma Consult
A deeper reading including merits and errors from past incarnations
Compatibility Consult
A very targeted reading for couples to make the best out of the relationship
Business Consult
A detailed reading focused on your business
Health Consult
A reading centered on all health aspects including optimal timing of training and medication
Parenting Consult
A reading giving insight into your children and their future
Prognostic Consult
A reading honing in on specific dates that you are concerned about
Miscellaneous Consult
A reading that gives answers on a variety of questions from marriage to naming of children